Mini Courses

Reclaim Your Agency With Bite-Sized Learning

Mini-courses are designed to break down the complexities of inaction and stagnation into accessible, focused learning experiences and practices. These bite-sized courses are crafted for a diverse range of challenges, offering a pathway for women+ to reclaim their agency toward an empowered life.

Coming Soon

  • Welcome to my series of mini-courses designed to equip you with the strategies and tools needed to navigate setbacks and sustain progress on your journey of personal growth and transformation. Each mini-course offers practical insights and actionable steps to help you overcome obstacles, cultivate resilience, and stay committed to your goals, even in the face of challenges. Whether you're facing unexpected setbacks, struggling to stay motivated, or seeking strategies for adapting to change, these courses are designed to empower you with the skills and brainset needed to thrive amid adversity.

Explore Fundamental Topics Like…

Introduction to Neurogenesis and Identity Transformation

  • Understanding the concept of neurogenesis

  • Exploring the role of identity in shaping behavior

  • Identifying subconscious patterns and survival strategies

  • Environmental Audit: Unveiling Influences on Behavior

    • Assessing the impact of external environments on behavior

    • Recognizing environmental triggers and cues

    • Strategies for creating supportive environments for personal growth

  • Adapting to Change: Navigating Neural Responses

    • Exploring the brain's response to change and uncertainty

    • Techniques for managing emotional reactions to change

    • Building neural flexibility and adaptability

  • Identity Evolution through Goal Ecology

    • Examining how goal pursuit contributes to identity formation and evolution

    • Recognizing the psychological impact of achieving goals on self-concept

    • Techniques for embracing identity shifts and personal growth throughout the goal-setting process

  • Unpacking Survival Strategies: Recognizing Adaptive Responses

    • Exploring the evolution of survival instincts and their role in shaping behavior

    • Identifying common survival strategies such as fight, flight, freeze, and appease

    • Recognizing how ingrained survival patterns may hinder personal growth and goal attainment

Understanding Threat Responses: Unraveling Subconscious Reactions

  • Exploring the neuroscience behind threat responses and survival instincts

  • Identifying common triggers and subconscious reactions to perceived threats

  • Techniques for recognizing and understanding the physiological and emotional components of threat responses