Feeling disconnected from your desired life?

I created NeuroGenesis to be an educational resource and mentoring platform dedicated to women+ who are ready to unpack internalized fear, doubt, and inherited beliefs to break outdated cycles of unwanted behaviors, releasing all notions of environmental and social conditioning to re-imagine life in more meaningful, fulfilling ways.


Through my own journey and those of countless others, I've observed the struggle to break free from repetitive cycles and achieve meaningful progress.

  • Since childhood, I've been fascinated by the question: "Why do we often find ourselves unable to act on our aspirations, even if we are highly self-aware?"

  • I've come to understand that change is a complex process, often rooted in our subconscious survival strategies and the environments we inhabit.

  • I've learned firsthand that attempting to navigate change alone can be daunting and overwhelming.

  • While many offer step-by-step guides to success, my focus is on understanding the intricacies of human nature during moments of challenge and resistance.

  • My passion lies in empowering women+ to make progress even on their toughest days, recognizing that real-life journeys are rarely straightforward. True personal freedom and resiliency is how you handle getting back up.

How I got here

I’ve always been fascinated by human behavior since I was a little kid. What makes people tick, why do some people have the “it” factor, while others stay stuck in recurring patterns that yield the same upper limit they can’t seem to break free from? 

I too know what it’s like to want something better for myself only to find myself hesitating, holding back, and eventually retreating to the safety of what I know, leaving my dreams unfulfilled. 

The desire for change has been as big as starting a new business and building our home, to being as small as limiting the time spent on my phone. I’ve struggled with losing weight, making money for myself, eating fewer carbs, time enrichment for both work and play, procrastination, and depression…but most of the time I fully know what I want and know exactly what needs to be done to get there, but am unable to get myself to follow through and do it consistently enough to see positive results. Even worse, making considerable progress and then allowing something to completely derail me and throw me off course. 

“Tomorrow’s the day”

Day by day, the misalignment persists delaying my dreams. I find myself caught in a loop where my greatest intentions clash with hidden barriers, creating a gap between the life I envisioned and the one I live. It's not about lacking ambition or commitment; it's the subtle, intricate incongruencies between conscious goals and the silent scripts written by my past self out of protection. It’s easy to find excuses for why you can’t do what you know would make you thrive.

I have felt the shame and embarrassment of being no further along in my goals and dreams than I was a year ago. Trying so many different strategies only to feel the defeat of no results or little progress. Sometimes you have to stop and question everything. 

When we aren’t where we thought we would be by now, or where we want to be, we have the opportunity and duty to ask ourselves what wants to be unearthed. 

I’ve realized that what we think we are striving for is this level of “peak performance”, where we get everything right. I’ve learned it’s better to forget about “peak performance”, it’s the day-to-day moments where you have a choice to show up differently, meet the moment, and do what you said you would do when you said you would do it.

It’s knowing how to get things done, even when you don’t feel like doing them. It’s knowing when to move on when something is no longer serving you. It’s about honoring your needs and knowing not all of them may get met when you need them too and being with that discomfort. It’s about making a new decision during a vulnerable moment. It’s crafting a 2-minute window of opportunity, that when intentionally designed…makes the rest of your day easier and better. It’s creating options in advance, even if you get thrown off course, you know exactly what to do when things don’t go as planned. It’s in these ordinary moments that command your reliability and follow-through, even when things don’t go as planned, that create lasting change. 

It’s part of my calling to offer a resolution to the inherent dissonance within ourselves when we have a dream that conflicts with subconscious fears and patterns. I want to help you make progress on your goals and dreams, even when things don’t go as planned. I want to show you that you can get triggered by an old pattern and confidently have a more congruent response. I want you to feel lighter with each intentional decision you make to live the life you want.

Getting unstuck is acknowledging that the invisible tethers can be loosened, allowing you to move forward with authenticity, courage, and a genuine connection to the life you want to lead.

If you’re experiencing the challenge of not living up to your own expectations and want to learn how to break free from entrenched patterns, reclaim agency over your life, and navigate change with resilience and clarity, then I look forward to meeting you where you are on your journey.

Training & Education

  • Certified Life Coach - Institute for Life Coach Training and Accredited by the International Coach Federation

  • Z-Health Performance Practitioner - Integrated Functional Neurology, Pain Relief, Nervous System Regulation, and Performance Enhancement (9 Certificates Completed) 

  • Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis - The Association for Integrative Psychology 

  • Master Practitioner of Mental Emotional Release™ Therapy - The Association for Integrative Psychology 

  • Certified Master Practitioner of Integrative Wellness and Life Coaching, MILC - Integrative Wellness Academy

  • Certified BodyMAP Coach Level 1 & 2 - Applied Neuroscience of Pain, Performance, and Better Movement

  • Certified MindMAP Coach - Applied Neuroscience of Behavior, Performance, and Personal Transformation

  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Behavioral Psychology - Whittier College


Chris Wilborn offers a revolutionary approach to personal transformation, rooted in a deep understanding of the human experience. Her unwavering passion lies in unraveling the mysteries behind why some individuals remain entrenched in unyielding patterns while others navigate life with fluidity and alignment.

Through extensive exploration, Chris has unearthed a profound truth: our true potential often lies buried beneath layers of a default, disempowered identity shaped by our brain's primal need for safety and protection. This subconscious identity not only dictates how women+ engage with the world but also acts as a barrier to their progress toward their deepest desires. With a multifaceted background encompassing applied neuroscience, behavior psychology, and identity adaptation, Chris has forged a transformative pathway that liberates individuals from the grip of repetitive, limiting patterns, ushering in a newfound sense of resilience and personal freedom.

By combining her experience as a Z-Health Practitioner, Master Life Coach, Transformation Specialist, and Master NLP Practitioner, Chris equips women+ with a practical and holistic framework to navigate their challenges with unwavering authenticity. This empowering approach enables them to shed outdated identities, transcend societal expectations, and dismantle subconscious survival strategies, paving the way for a journey toward fulfillment and success that is deeply aligned with their true selves.